The karst plateau of southwest Serbia rises to a height of 1,100 to 1,250 m/asl. This is the biggest flat high plain in Serbia and is among the highest in the Balkans. The Pester plateau is used for grazing sheep and also produces renowned for dairy products like Pester cheese. The sparsely populated Pester has a harsh mountain climate and Siberianstyle winters. However, even in such extreme conditions, its habitat includes many rare and endangered species. Most significant is the presence of Montagu's Harrier and the Corn Crake bird. With the exception of northern Vojvodina, this is the only nesting spot of the Montagu's Harrier in Serbia. It is also a feeding spot for the white stork during its nesting and migratory periods. This is an especially important area of aquatic and wet habitats with numerous plant species that are extremely rare in the whole of Serbia – Marsh Clover, Marsh Lousewort and Ruzmarinolisna Urbae. The pronounced biodiversity of this area has led to it being included among numerous areas of international importance for birds, plants and butterflies.