In the past, Velika Plana was considered as the largest village in Serbia. It is located 10 km away from Smederevska Palanka, right on the Belgrade-Niš highway. In Velika Plana’s immediate vicinity, there are two points of the Serbian heritage you must visit. Six kilometers to the southwest, in the village of Koporin, there is a monastery of the same name, with a church dedicated to St. Stefan. Sheltered from the roads, it is multiply related to Despot Stefan Lazarević, whose portrait with the insignias of a despot is painted on the church’s western wall. The log church of a symbolic name – Pokajnica (Repentance Church) – is also located not far away from Velika Plana. This place is related to a historically important event. In the forest, where today the church is, Vujica Vuličević killed his godfather Karadjordje in 1817. He is said to have erected the church as soon as in the following year, as a sign of his repentance, in the place where he had sat to rest while carrying the clothes, arms and decorations of his killed godfather. Log churches are, otherwise, a specific expression of the spirit of the village communities in Serbia. Built of the quality oak tree, they are suitable for disassembly and transportation to another location.