
The Natural History center of Serbia

The Natural History center of Serbia in Svilajnac is a unique scientific and educational institution in Serbia and this part of Europe, which through a combination of science, education and tourism is working on popularization of natural science and scientific tourism. The content of the Natural center of Serbia is made of exhibitions, which so far have not been seen in this way in our country: Geological timetravel is one of the most attractive exhibitions and it represents a display of the Earth formation, and its development through gelogical periods, utill the appearance of a man. Every geological period is shown in a separate diorama where you can see the most important representatives of flora and fauna from Earths distant past. The World of dinosaurs is located in the central part of the building. Paleontological display is made of life – size skeletons of different dinosaur species, which represent the mezozoik period in a unique way. It also displays field work, excavation, as well as original fossils of dinosaur remains from USA. The World of minerals and rocks shows rich collection of minerals and rocks from our country and all over the world. One of the most attractive items is mineral jadarit, which is so far only located in Serbia. The Biodiversity of Serbia represents the richness of our country’s fauna, displaying animals in its natural habitat. Celestial stones is a display of meteorites, showing the most significant meteorites that fell on Serbia's territory. Staff of Natural center of Serbia is constantly working on content enrichment, so visitors can also see two guest exhibitions. Bioarcheology of Đerdap shows visitors a unique culture of Lepenski Vir, and so far couldn't be seen outside of Faculty of Philosophy of the Belgrade University. It displays skeleton remains of residents of Lepenski Vir, as well as original artifacts found on this unique archeological site. Witnesses of the Ice age is an exhibition that authentically shows specimens of megafauna that lived in today's Serbia during the last Ice age (approx. 10000 years ago). Visitors can see a replica of one of the biggest mammoths found in Europe – Kika, shown in position found in the field. From april 2017, visitors will see two more permanent exhibitions, Geodiversity of Serbia and Volcano. The Geodiversity of Serbia represents geological profile of Serbia, to a depth of about 5 km, meaning they will be able to learn about our country's geological past, geological structure and other geological phenomena that are characteristic for Serbia. A part of the exhibitions shows mineral wealth of Serbia, with specimens of some useful minerals – metals, nonmetals, construction raw materials and fossil fuels. Volcano exhibit is located in the park area of the Natural center of Serbia, inside a real volcano model, about 10 meters high. Inside this volcano is a volcanology themed display, which gives visitors the answers to questions like: What are volcanos? Where are they located? What is their purpose on Earth? What kind of volcanos do exist? Were there volcanos in Serbia? There is also a collection of rocks of volcanic origin, from all over the world. An amusing dino-park Dinosville is what makes The Natural center of Serbia attractive and special, outside the main building, it has 30 replicas of different dinosaur species, the biggest one being the replica of Diplodocus, 11 meters high and 20 meters long. All replicas are life-size models. Souvenir shop is also located in the park area, where you can find unique souvenirs, toys, jewelry, books, but also hand-made souvenirs. Park also has a café-restaurant, where you can rest and refresh. Youngest visitors have their own nook in the park, with specialized game room, where they can experience complex world of science through play. Science is presented to children, and adults, in a fun, innovative and interactive way, and it gives them an opportunity to learn outside of school books.