
Gallery of Naive Art in Kovačica

For more than half a century, naive painters in Kovačica have been attracting global attention. The Gallery of Naive Art has put in one place displaying the best works of art of these painter-farmers, and those admiring naive art have been presented with a complete picture of their poetic visual arts creative endeavour. Ever since the day it was established, the Gallery has given the world 37 distinguished painters of naive art. The most significant painters of naive art of the Gallery are Zuzana Halupova and Martin Jonaš. In its homeland fund, the Gallery of Naive Art keeps paintings of both the first naive art painters and the contemporary members of the Gallery. The magical world of naive art painters immersed into today’s popular folklore is visited by nearly 17000 tourists from the country and overseas every year. The Gallery of Naïve Art in Kovačica Phone: +381 13 661 157